Founded in 1982, the West Virginia Association Medical Staff Services is an education and leadership organization for medical staff and credentialing professionals, as well as individuals working in the related fields of healthcare law and quality, from West Virginia and nearby States. WVAMSS provides resources, education, and networking opportunities to its membership.

Our organization is an affiliate of NAMSS, the National Association Medical Staff Services, established in 1971:

National Association Medical Staff Services
2025 M. Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202-367-1196
Fax 202-367-2196

E mail:

WVAMSS is dedicated to advancing the skills of practicing Medical Staff Service Professionals and Provider Credentialing Specialists. In addition, we are committed to increasing our membership's recognition within the health care industry, and promoting a positive and professional image.

If you have any comments or questions about this web site,
contact the WVAMSS President or the person assigned to oversee the WVAMSS web page.